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Pros and Cons of Multifocal Lenses

Presbyopia Treatment in Washington, DC

contact in solutionAfter age 40, it is typical to lose your ability to focus on objects up close. You may find reading the newspaper or a menu has become a challenge. Tasks such as painting fine details or sewing may cause you to squint or hold the object at arm’s length. Called presbyopia, this vision condition is the reason why many adults wear bifocals or reading glasses.

However, reading glasses and bifocals are often not preferred by people who wear contact lenses. Fortunately, there are alternative options for presbyopia treatment, such as multifocal contacts. If you suffer from presbyopia and are interested in wearing multifocal contacts, contact our Washington, DC, eye doctors to schedule a visit!

Intro to Multifocal Contacts

These specialized contact lenses are constructed with varying lens powers all in one contact lens. Therefore, you can see distance and near vision clearly without putting on additional eyewear. The lenses offer a gradual transition between the built-in prescriptions for reading and for distance, similar to the way progressive eyeglasses work. Multifocal contacts come in both hard gas permeable lens types and soft contacts. Our eye doctors in Washington, DC, will meet with you to determine the best type of multifocal lenses for your lifestyle and visual needs.

Multifocal contacts offer a convenient, comfortable and clear solution for many of our patients with presbyopia. Are you interested in learning more about this modern method of presbyopia treatment? Below is an outline of the pros & cons of this type of presbyopia treatment.

Pros of Multifocal Contacts

  • Easy adaptation period
  • Sharp, natural vision for varying distances from near to far
  • Excellent depth perception
  • Convenient, with little dependence on reading glasses or extra eyewear
  • No need to wear unattractive bifocals
  • Beneficial for people with irregular, cone-shaped corneas

Cons of Multifocal Contacts

  • More expensive than other presbyopia treatment
  • Optical inconsistencies, such as nighttime glare or seeing shadows in low light conditions
  • Visual contrast may be diminished
  • Objects may appear higher or lower than they are in reality
  • Reading glasses are also necessary sometimes

Keep in mind that while many people love multifocal contacts, they are not the only option for presbyopia treatment. Contact us for an appointment in Washington, DC, for a thorough eye exam and to discuss your individual needs. Our optometrists will customize a vision correction plan for you that suits your personal requirements and preferences.

OrthoK Treatment Center